The work and proceedings of each Committee shall be governed by the Constitution of the Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD and such rules as are adopted from time to time by the Executive Committee.
Each Spring, the membership is provided with a Committee/Section Registration form, where you are able to indicate your preference (1st, 2nd and 3rd Choice), to serve on any of our Committees. The President appoints Committee members for staggered 3 years terms based on these choices and other criteria.
~ For A Complete List of the Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs,
Please Use This Link ~
The Committees of the Bar Association of Montgomery County now use listserves for communication.
To send a listserv message to a Committee within the Bar Association, you must be a member of that particular Committee. Please address your e-mail according to the list of addresses below. Most of the listserv addresses are recognizable. If you don’t see the Section you wish to send to, please call Cindy at (301) 762-8376 for help.
Please keep in mind that we do not have e-mail addresses for all Association members and sometimes we are not notified when people change their e-mail address. We try to maintain an accurate listing of Committee/Section members, but please know that that it is not always possible.